2025-02-07 12:26 |
Contribution to a conference proceedings
Galonska, M. ; Barth, W. ; Graeff, C. ; et al
First dual isotope beam production for simultaneous heavy ion radiotherapy and radiography
202415th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC2024, NashvilleNashville, USA, 19 May 2024 - 24 May 20242024-05-192024-05-24
JACoW Publishing 1893-1896 pages1.5 MB (2024) [10.18429/JACOW-IPAC2024-WEAN1]2024
In the context of research on simultaneous heavy ion radiotherapy and radiography, a mixed carbon/helium ion beam has been successfully established and investigated at GSI for the first time to serve fundamental experiments on this new mode of image guidance. A beam with an adjustable ratio of 12C3+/4He+ was provided by the 14.5 GHz Caprice ECR ion source for subsequent acceleration in the linear accelerator UNILAC and the synchrotron SIS18. [...]
OpenAccess: PDF PDF (PDFA);
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2024-11-26 16:11 |
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2024-11-26 16:05 |
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2024-11-26 16:02 |
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2024-11-26 15:54 |
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2024-11-26 15:49 |
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2021-02-25 11:22 |
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2021-01-14 13:11 |
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2020-07-24 13:22 |
Contribution to a conference proceedings/Contribution to a book
Kleffner, C. M. ; Appel, S. ; Berezov, R. ; et al
Status of the FAIR Proton LINAC
2019Proceedings of IPAC2019 International Particle Accelerator Conference (10th), MelbourneMelbourne, Australia, 14 May 2019 - 24 May 20192019-05-142019-05-24
JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland 889-891 (2019) [10.18429/JACOW-IPAC2019-MOPTS020]2019
For the production of Antiproton beams with sufficient intensities, a dedicated high-intensity 325 MHz Proton linac is currently under construction. The Proton linac shall deliver a beam current of up to 70 mA with an energy of 68 MeV for injection into SIS18 [...]
OpenAccess: PDF;
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2020-03-01 21:06 |
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