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OpenAccess [GSI-2024-01285] Journal Article
; ; ; et al
Hard jet substructure in a multistage approach
We present predictions and postdictions for a wide variety of hard jet-substructure observables using a multistage model within the jetscape framework. The details of the multistage model and the various parameter choices are described in [Phys. [...]
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OpenAccess [GSI-2024-01283] Journal Article
; ; ; et al
New metric improving Bayesian calibration of a multistage approach studying hadron and inclusive jet suppression
We study parton energy-momentum exchange with the quark gluon plasma (QGP) within a multistage approach composed of in-medium Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi evolution at high virtuality, and (linearized) Boltzmann transport formalism at lower virtuality. This multistage simulation is then calibrated in comparison with high-𝑝𝑇 charged hadrons, 𝐷 mesons, and the inclusive jet nuclear modification factors, using Bayesian model-to-data comparison, to extract the virtuality-dependent transverse momentum broadening transport coefficient ˆq. [...]
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DBCoverage [GSI-2024-01274] Journal Article/Contribution to a conference proceedings
; ; ; et al
Photon-triggered jets as probes of multi-stage jet modification
Quark Matter 2023, HoustonHouston, USA, 3 Sep 2023 - 9 Sep 20232023-09-032023-09-09 The European physical journal / Web of Conferences 296, 11008 - () [10.1051/epjconf/202429611008]
Prompt photons are created in the early stages of heavy ion collisions and traverse the QGP medium without any interaction. Therefore, photontriggered jets can be used to study the jet quenching in the QGP medium. [...]

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OpenAccess [GSI-2024-01272] Journal Article
; ; ; et al
Theoretical and experimental constraints for the equation of state of dense and hot matter
This review aims at providing an extensive discussion of modern constraints relevant for dense and hot strongly interacting matter. It includes theoretical first-principle results from lattice and perturbative QCD, as well as chiral effective field theory results. [...]
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OpenAccess [GSI-2024-01271] Journal Article
; ;
McDIPPER: A novel saturation-based 3 + 1 D initial-state model for heavy ion collisions
We present a new three-dimensional resolved model for the initial state of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, based on the 𝑘⊥-factorized color glass condensate (CGC) hybrid approach. The McDipper framework responds to the need for a rapidity-resolved initial-state Monte Carlo event generator which can deposit the relevant conserved charges (energy, charge, and baryon densities) both in the midrapidity and forward (backward) regions of the collision. [...]
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OpenAccess [GSI-2024-01267] Journal Article
; ; ; et al
High-temperature $^{205}Tl$ decay clarifies ${205}Pb$ dating in early Solar System
Nature 635(8038), 321 - 326 () [10.1038/s41586-024-08130-4]
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