Physikalische Objekte

Letzte Einträge:
OpenAccess [GSI-2024-00534] Physical Object
FRS Ion Catcher
Darmstadt : GSI () [10.15120/GSI-2024-00534]
The FRS Ion Catcher is a set up which slows down exotic nuclei produced with high energies to perform high precision measurements almost at rest. The properties of the exotic isotopes help to study the structure of the nuclei or the origin of the elements in the universe [...]
OpenAccess: FRS-IC_Instrument_v1 - Download fulltextPDF Download fulltextPDF (PDFA) (additional files); FRS-IC_Instrument_v1_html - Download fulltextHTML (additional files); FRS-IC_Instrument_v1_xml - Download fulltextXML (additional files); External link: Download fulltextFulltext

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OpenAccess [GSI-2024-00486] Physical Object

A4 Instrument
Darmstadt : GSI () [10.15120/GSI-2024-00486]
The atomic nucleus is a bound state of protons and neutrons (so called nucleons). The A4collaboration is investigating the structure of these nucleons. [...]
OpenAccess: A4_Instrument - Download fulltextPDF Download fulltextPDF (PDFA) (additional files); A4_Instrument_XML - Download fulltextXML (additional files); A4_Instrument_html - Download fulltextHTML (additional files);

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